Online registration for the Soccer Season opens on Jan 1 for Spring and June1,for Fall If you have not created an online account, click the Register button, create an account, and then you are able to signup your kids for a program.
If you get an error stating the email address has already been used, use the Forgot Password feature on the login screen to reset your password. If you have a coach preference and you know they will be coaching in the Fall/Spring please be sure to include them with your registration. Based on registration, number of request, roster size, and coach availability we cannot guarantee all coaching request will be granted. If you wish for your child to play up a level/division please register them for the division you want them to play at, otherwise please register your child for the recommended division they belong in. Based on coach, player registration, and team availability, players may be moved up or down an age group at the league's discretion.You will receive a confirmation email with a confirmation number if you successfully signed up online.
We've heard of several instances in the past where parents thought they registered because they got to a confirmation screen but did not click the final
"Yes I'm Sure" button.
That screen was a "confirm your details" screen.
You will receive an email confirming your order, if you do not, you did not complete the registration.
Check your shopping cart for unfinished registrations.
Regular Registration 6/1 to 6/30
Late (Last Minute Registration) Ends 7/7 - $50 Late Registration Fee ( Spot on a Team NOT guaranteed )
Regular Registration 1/1 to 1/30
Late (Last Minute Registration) Ends 2/7 - $50 Late Registration Fee ( Spot on a Team NOT guaranteed )
U5 U6 | $65 $65 |
U7 & U8 | $97 |
U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14 | $97 |
- U5 & U6 Players will enjoy a 6 game season in the Recreational League where games are held at PH Soccer complex
- U7 and up will play a 6 game season.
- U7 and up Recreational games may have some travel involved due to share play with surrounding cities.
- Practices will held during the weeknights, Monday through Friday depending on the coach's choosing.
Use Quick links Tab - This determines what division your child plays in.
Saturday games, with Sunday games used for make up and overflow games.
Once teams are assigned, your coach will contact you with weeknight practice day and time information.
Recreational Divisions PHSA
Pleasant Hill Only Teams ( All Games Played at Pleasant Hill Soccer complex)
U5, U6, $65
Recreational Divisions PHSA - South Metro Division
Pleasant Hill, Lone Jack, Raymore, Belton, Grandview, Peculiar, Harrisonville,
(Some travel is required )
(3 Home Games , 3 Away Games, +1 Additional)
U7, U8: $97
U9,U10, $97
U11, U12, $97
U13, U14 :$97
Heartland Sponsored Competitive Teams
Email PHSA for Info
Paragon Star Sponsored Competitive Teams
Email PHSA for Info
AGE Matrix
Season |
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| 2024-25 | Birth Year | | | | | | | | 2020 | | | | | | | U5 | 2019
| | | | | |
| U6 | 2018 | | | | |
| U7 | 2017 | | | |
| U8 | 2016 | | |
| U9 | 2015 | | |
| U10 | 2014 | | |
| U11 | 2013 | | |
| U12 | 2012 | | |
| U13 | 2011 | | |
| U14 | 2010 | | |
| U15 |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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